Post Surgery Support
Post Surgery Support for Sub Acromial Decompression and Carpal Tunnel Surgery
In December I was needed to support a family member following a shoulder and carpal tunnel operation. I had all these remedies lined up to help with post op bruising, nausea following anaesthetic and to aid healing. But, as is usual in these cases, there is often something else that is put in the mix to keep us on our toes! In this case, I’m referring to passing blood, though alarming it was due to too much use of anti-inflammatories pre op and dietary upsets due to antibiotic use during surgery. It may be argued that these medications are necessary to aid with pain relief and the prevention of infection but the after effects never seem to be discussed or a prevention plan never seems to be put in place.
This is where I come in I suppose, as I am the trouble shooter, the ‘tidy upper’, the one that seems to be called upon to find the solution. This in isolation as a practitioner is something I embrace and enjoy. It is my role to find solutions and to prescribe and put in place a treatment plan that will further aid the path to health. But quite a different story when treating close family. I have to tread carefully not wanting to over impose but equally there to offer support and care when needed.
These are the remedies I prescribed…..
Arnica - for post op bruising and trauma
Phosphorous - for nausea and bleeding
Carbo veg - dietary disturbance and displaced air trapped in shoulder cavity
Arg nit - dietary help and anxiety
Hypericum - to help with nerve discomfort for carpal tunnel operation
Neuralgia+ - Homeobotanical herb tonic combo for pain relief
Gastro/Devils claw/Ocular - combo for digestive disturbance following antibiotics.
It was challenging but clearly worthwhile. When he returned to the consultant for a post surgery check up, the surgeon was amazed at how quickly he had healed and was told that the progress made in just 2 weeks was the equivalent of what was expected 4-6 weeks post op! It was also rewarding that we were able to use something alternative to prescriptive anti-inflammatories as the risk was too great considering he had been passing blood. He was told to stop all medication so paved the way for complementary remedies. He continued with physio and ice packs and returned for further assessment at the end of January. He healed so well round 2 coming soon for his other shoulder and hand!
It is great to see these remedies in action, to see the actual healing capacity and how the body accepts them readily by naturally targeting the areas that needs the support.
I have used homeopathic remedies to great effect in several post surgeries such as following hip replacement, knee and foot surgery, tonsillectomy and appendectomy.