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Allergies - treated naturally

Case of Severe Allergy

Sally was 77 years old when she came to see me with severe allergies following an illness that was treated using strong antibiotics. These antibiotics effected her gut flora and therefore she was unable to absorb beneficial nutrients from her diet. She became allergic to many food groups including dairy, citrus, yeast, spices and suffered the symptoms for many years.

Her symptoms included:


Tight chest - heavy breathing

Pain over eyes and swollen eyes


Painful tingling in legs

Reoccurring UTIs

Itchy skin

Her case was very complicated because of the huge range of symptoms she came with. She had already identified the foods which she could no longer tolerate. On further investigation I discovered that her remaining diet was full of Histamine rich foods and foods she had eaten regularly since a child were still being consumed.

Histamine intolerance is very common in people with allergies and quite a difficult diet to challenge because histamine is present in varying levels in most foods. We looked at the food she had regularly and in this case it was bananas, so I asked her to stop eating this for a couple of weeks as well as the foods already identified.

Along side this dietary change I prescribed remedies to help support her including probiotics, homeopathic tissue salts, homeopathic remedies, Homeobotanical tincture (homeopathic organic herb tincture).

After her first prescription she made a huge improvement and has only needed to repeat her prescription a couple of times.

She writes:

"I am really grateful to you, dear Helen, for taking good care of me and prescribing the right medicine: My immunity has been restored; bouts of allergy are now kept at bare minimum and quite under control. I really feel great, and no words can express the degree of my gratitude and thankfulness to you."

If this case resinates with you or you know of someone who could benefit from Homeopathic treatment, please feel free to contact me:



For more information on Histamine intolerance please read my Blog:

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